The Team | Artem Feldenkrais
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Julie Casson Rubin

Trainer and Educational Director


San Francisco, USA


Julie Casson Rubin is one of fewer than 80 people to complete her education under the direction of Dr. Feldenkrais and to receive diploma from him in 1977. Julie has maintained a continuous private practice since graduation. From 1979 through 1989, Julie was on staff of one the first Behavioural Medicine Clinics in the United States. This groundbreaking alternative medicine clinic was a department at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center. Julie established the inclusion of the Feldenkrais Method in the health education department of Kaiser Permanente, the largest health care provider in the state of California in 1996. This program has spread throughout that system and remains to this day. Julie’s first education was in dance and physical education with diploma from San Francisco State University in 1978. Together with her partner and Educational Director of the Feldenkrais Method, Paul Rubin, Julie has led 19 Feldenkrais Teacher Training Programs in North America, Europe, Taiwan, China, and Australia.

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Anat Krivine



Tel Aviv, Israel


Anat practices the Feldenkrais method since 1988. 

Anat holds B.Sc in Social work specializing in group work from Bar-Ilan university in Israel, and worked in Children department in Hadassah hospital. She graduated from Rubin Academy in Dance in 1980, and got her M.A in dance education from Temple University in Philadelphia in 1986.  

Anat works with adults and children and teaches as a trainer in professional Feldenkrais trainings and advanced seminars over the world for the last 21 years.  Anat worked for many years in close collaboration with Eilat Almagor, teaching in Japan, Italy and Jerusalem, and taught  together scoliosis project in Zurich.

Anat serves as the Educational Director in professional teachers trainings in France and South Korea  

Ilan Jacobsen



Tel Aviv, Israel


Finished his training at Chava Shelhav in Tel-Aviv in 1992. Then assistant trainer in a variety of training courses in Israel, Germany and Norway as well as in his own practice in Tel-Aviv. Since 2012 Feldenkraist trainer.

Anna Karin Engels

Pedagogical Supervision /

Assistant trainer


Cologne, Germany


Completed her Feldenkrais education with Jerry Karzen in Hamburg in 1992. Certified assistant trainer in international trainings like China, Taiwan, New Zealand and Belgium since 2006. Founder and organizer of ARTEM Feldenkrais Trainings since 1998. Dipl. sports scientist, teacher of biology and fine art and trainer for Idiolektik®. Studied movement theater and performance. Runs her Feldenkrais practice since 1990 in Cologne and teaches seminar series on resilience and stress regulation.

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Iris Shioling Moldiz

Assistant trainer

Salzburg, Austria

Iris was born in Salzburg in 1982. She began her piano studies at the age of eight at the University Mozarteum Salzburg, and after graduating from high school she studied piano and instrumental pedagogy at the Mozarteum Salzburg as well as at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Iris Moldiz was certified as a Feldenkrais Practitioner (Chiemsee 5, E.D. Jerry Karzen) in 2011 and as a Feldenkrais Assistant Trainer in 2022.

Anna Maria Caponecchi



Rome, Italy


Came in contact with Feldenkrais practices at the theater in 1985. Pedagogical Director of the IFT Rome, where she has been an organizer and teacher since 1994. As a trainer and assistant trainer, she has taught in Italy, Europe and Japan.

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