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Times, costs, registration?


All important basic information about the training such as location, times, costs, curriculum, language, first steps, introductory days for

Prospective trainees, registration, can be found below.


Training costs:

112 € per training day. € 4,480.00 per training year (40 teaching days). As a recognized school, we are currently VAT exempt.



Can everyone take part in the training?


Basically yes. And of course, we assume that you have previous experience with the Feldenkrais Method, that you are learning or have learned a trade, and that you feel physically, mentally, and emotionally capable of participating in such a training course for 5-6 hours a day. We also assume that physical limitations are a good requirement: limitations and mistakes are a treasure to be found. The training serves to train you to become a Feldenkrais Practitioner - you are free to use this learning experience professionally or as a personal gain.




How is the training going?

The first two years of training focus on your own somatic learning in FELDENKRAIS® awareness through movement (ATM). Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais has developed a wealth of lessons (approx. 2000) that are available for one's own somatic learning experience. A significant part of this is taught live by the trainer/assistant trainer and sometimes by Moshe Feldenkrais himself via video recordings of the Amherst training. Self-awareness is the basis for imparting the method to others. From the beginning, experiences and lessons flow into FELDENKRAIS® Functional Integration (FI), so that it becomes clear how both parts of the method are connected. In the third and fourth years of training, the focus shifts to one-to-one functional integration lessons. At the same time, awareness through movement remains part of the lesson until the end.




How do the lessons work?

The core lesson is 5 hours per day. Before and after the core lesson, by arrangement in the classroom and during the lunch break, the training FI's can be given, which the participants can watch. The lesson consists of ATMs, FIs, class discussions, video recordings (Amherst and FIs) and is designed according to the learning needs of the participants.

The daily lesson times are finally determined by the trainers at the beginning of the respective training segment. The start is usually at 9:15 a.m., the end depends on the length of the break, but usually until 4:15 p.m.




Who is teaching?

The pedagogical Director, Anna Maria Caponecchi, teaches up to 60% of the training as a trainer. The other segments are taught by 2-4 guest trainers, so there is a wide range of personalities and teaching styles. If necessary, an assistant and/or an experienced Feldenkrais teacher supports the trainer in this training, which is designed for a maximum of 20 to 45 participants. Training FIs are given by the trainers as well as members of the training team. The entire team supports the learning progress of the participants, is available for personal discussions, and can also be approached between the training segments.




Which training is the best for me?

Unlike a workshop, training makes higher demands. 5 hours of somatic learning a day is a challenge. It is all the more important that you feel comfortable in the learning environment, especially appreciate the pedagogical director and the team, as well as the way they teach and organize the training. primarily for the somatic learning experience. So that you can make a well-founded decision in this regard, we invite you to come to one of the ongoing training courses as an introductory guest.


You can find dates on our website or you can inquire about them by phone.




What about the theories?

Theoretical backgrounds, references, suggestions, and questions are woven into the lessons. The participants are expected to take the initiative (e.g. working groups) and study literature between the training segments.


The pedagogical director would like to make the already limited training time available mainly for the somatic learning experience for a well-founded basic training.


Supplementary offers, e.g. in anatomy, neurology, idiolectical conversation (the focus is on each person's own language, e.g. in conversation with a client in front of an FI) and business start-ups are partly integrated into the training or additionally offered to interested participants.




When can I work with the Feldenkrais Method?

If you participate successfully, you will receive the provisional authorization to teach FELDENKRAIS® awareness through movement during the third year of training as part of the training. If you have requested membership in the Feldenkrais Association Germany eV, you will then be listed as a student member in the association's directory of members.


After completing the entire 4 years of training, you will receive a certificate as an internationally recognized Feldenkrais Practitioner. It entitles you to teach Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement and Functional Integration and to use the registered trademarks if you are a member of a national professional association. You can join the Feldenkrais Association Germany eV as a full member, i.e. call yourself a FELDENKRAIS® Practitioner and take part in the regular licensing process.




Are there any exams?

No, not in a school sense. A freely offered training offers exactly

the freedom that enables somatic learning in the spirit of the Feldenkrais method without conventional exam stress; and the training itself offers sufficient opportunity for trainers, assistants, and experienced practitioners to perceive and evaluate the learning progress of the individual participants (cumulative procedure). Every training day is part of the learning process.


At the end of the second year of training, there is a small 'internship' in which the participants have the opportunity to teach a section in 'awareness through movement' under supervision. At the end of the fourth year of training, the participants give one or two hours of functional integration under supervision.




What if I can't take part?

5 days of absence are allowed per training year, but no more than 10 days of absence during the entire training. As soon as more than the planned absence days occur, you can make up for these absences in our training program in consultation with the pedagogical director (for more details, see training contract).




What if I have to get out or interrupt?

Then this is possible at any time within the agreed period of notice (see training contract). Since you do not have to complete your training until 7 years after the start of the training, you can interrupt and start one of our training courses or another training again at a later point in time.




And how do I pay the training fee?

The easiest way is to pay in installments by standing order - the monthly sum is manageable and you don't have to think about the payment details. Payments 4 weeks before the start of the segment are also possible, but require more self-discipline to adhere to the payment term.


An annual payment is also possible at the beginning of each training year. Talk to us if you have any further requirements. Some employers support you in financing your training - just ask. Some countries grant credit for education awards or support retraining, etc. Please inquire about funding opportunities in your respective country.


I need a letter for my employer so that I can take part in the training.

Just let us know how your employer would like to be informed and we will send you such a letter immediately.



Where can I live

The participants take care of their own accommodation. You will find a wide range of holiday apartments and private rooms in all price ranges. Most of the training participants live in rooms or apartments on the mainland in Gstadt and the surrounding area. Campsites are available around the lake, as well as holiday homes, which can be rented by 2-6. Living on the Fraueninsel is possible, but more exclusive and limited because of the size of the island. Rooms in the monastery with the use of the kitchen are possible in a double room from 35 € per person, depending on the seminar. Since the Chiemsee is a popular leisure region, it is advisable to book early.

Information and online booking at


Is there daycare?

We are happy to provide tips on how to organize childcare. Children and babies are also very welcome as guests during training if they can occupy themselves or sleep in peace. Older children can also participate if the subject matter allows it.




Do I have to bring teaching materials?

Luckily not, you can arrive carefree with your personal luggage, movement-friendly clothing, slippers, and warm socks. Feldenkrais benches, rolls and padding material, blankets, and sleeping mats are already on site. You can even store your own mat/blanket at our storage location on the island over the 4 years of training.



How do I keep the content and study at home?

Learning by doing - somatic learning is non-linear, what I have understood - I remember.

Nonetheless, after class, we recommend working in small teams to collect what was kept, what was interesting, what changes have happened, and try it out with fellow students or friends at home. For self-learning at home, we will provide each student with MP3 recordings of the lessons at the end of a segment for self-learning and studying at home.



And how do I get to the island?

Ferries commute regularly from Prien or Gstadt on the north shore of the lake. Every student can buy a 10-class card that saves 10% on travel costs. The cost of the 10 tickets is 28.80. The tickets can be purchased at the pier before departure.

For more Info:




If you have further questions, please write to us using the contact form!



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